Moscow (CNN): Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that his administration was concentrating on the reactions from the United States and NATO to his security requests connected with Ukraine yet that it was clear the Kremlin’s primary protests “had been overlooked.”

For quite a long time, Putin had said little freely about the emergency ignited by Russia’s development of a huge number of troops close to Ukraine’s lines, which has raised apprehensions of a potential attack.
However, talking at a Tuesday news gathering following a five-hour meeting in Moscow with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Putin said: “It is as of now clear – – I informed the Prime Minister regarding this – – that the principal Russian worries were overlooked. We didn’t see a sufficient thought of our three key necessities.”
Putin added that Russia had not seen “satisfactory thought of our three key requests with respect to NATO development, the renunciation of the organization of strike weapons frameworks close to Russian boundaries, and the arrival of the [NATO] alliance’s tactical foundation in Europe to the condition of 1997, when the Russia-NATO establishing act was agreed upon.”
Putin additionally blamed the US straightforwardly for endeavoring to “bring us into equipped clash” over the Ukraine emergency by involving the country as a “instrument” for NATO tasks. He guaranteed that Washington’s primary objective is to compel “partners in Europe to force the exceptionally intense approvals against us,” or “bring Ukraine into NATO.”
The US and NATO have said Putin’s requests – – which incorporate a guarantee to never extend toward the east to nations including Ukraine – – abuse NATO’s entryway strategy and are non-starters in arrangements.

Putin didn’t offer any arrangements on Tuesday, yet said he was available to more discussions.
“I trust that this exchange will proceed,” he said, adding: “I trust that we will ultimately track down this arrangement, despite the fact that it’s anything but a simple one, and we know about this. Yet, what that is destined to be, I’m not prepared to say today, obviously.”
Putin finished the news gathering with a short talk concerning what he described as NATO’s set of experiences of duplicities, asserting that the partnership vowed to extend “not an inch” toward the east. “They said a certain something, they did another,” Putin said. “As individuals say, they screwed us over, well they essentially misdirected us.”
Russian authorities have more than once made this case previously; the US and NATO have denied making such guarantees.
Putin likewise emphasized his resistance to the chance of Ukraine joining NATO, and said Kyiv was endeavoring to retake Crimea – – the Ukrainian region added by Russia in 2014 – – by military power, possibly carrying the coalition into open clash with Russia.
“This [Crimea] is a sovereign Russian area, the inquiry is shut for us,” he said. “We should envision that Ukraine is a NATO nation and starts these tactical activities. Then, at that point, what, we should battle against the NATO coalition? All in all, has anybody pondered this? Resembles no.”
Negotiators from the US, Russia, Ukraine, NATO and the European Union have been occupied with a whirlwind of strategic action lately.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinked and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held a call Tuesday. Following that call, a senior State Department official said Lavrov didn’t give a sign that Moscow will de-heighten from the boundary with Ukraine.
Blinked let Lavrov know that in the event that Putin “doesn’t plan war or shift in power,” was an ideal opportunity to pull back troops and weighty weaponry and take part in genuine, discretionary conversations, the authority said.
Lavrov reacted that the heightening that the US was guaranteeing was not happening, the authority said, however that it was only Russia moving soldiers inside its own boundaries.
US State Department authorities affirmed Monday they had “got a composed follow-up from Russia” to an archive of recommendations the US shipped off the Kremlin keep going week on the best way to stop strains and prepare for additional security talks because of Russia’s requests on security.
On Tuesday, in any case, the Kremlin said that Russia had not yet sent its “fundamental answer” to the US. “There was a misunderstanding,” Kremlin representative Dmitry Pskov said in a phone call. “It [the Russian correspondence] respected an alternate matter. The fundamental answer on this issue hasn’t been given over, it’s actually being ready.”

In the interim, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson held a question and answer session close by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv on Tuesday.
Johnson blamed Russia for “holding a weapon to Ukraine” and cautioned that a possible attack of Ukraine by Russia would be a “political” and “compassionate fiasco.”
“The potential intrusion totally contradicts President Putin’s professes to be acting in light of a legitimate concern for the Ukrainian public,” Johnson said.
Zelensky said that should a conflict among Russia and Ukraine start it will be a “major conflict in Europe,” adding that there “will be no control of any domain or city in Ukraine… however, there will be a horrendous misfortune assuming that the attack of our nation begins.”